Saturday, 23 June 2007

Just Plain Bad Luck

i think ive been cursed.
  1. i think im sick
  2. i jammed by big toe and it was bleeding
  3. ive got blisters on my pinky toe
  4. i said sorry to tht fucktard, which i should nvr have. the idiot doesnt even deserve an apology!!
  5. i dropped my camera for the FIRST TIME EVER and now its being a spaz!
  6. i just got into a HUGE row wif my dad over the stupidest thing in the world
so wat m i gonna do now? the thing out of those 5 tht im most worried about is the fact tht the camera is broken. i mean externally, nothin is wrong. but who noes wat happened internally. gahhH~ nothing is working! everything is wrong!

and the fact tht it dropped is all my fault too.. me, the stupid idiot tht i m, got up frm my seat and then started headin towards my door but then before i could get newhere, i tripped over the laptop wire. this made the wire sweep across my desk bringing down together with it a few items. and of those items, my camera was part of it. FUCKKKK.

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