Monday, 15 August 2011

Just Words

Do you notice how words have lost their original purpose?

I hate you.
I love you.
I’m sorry.

These are the three most commonly overused words I hear. Yet they don’t mean what they should mean. Kids get angry at their parents and they declare that they hate them. Next day everything is dandy and normal. You buy a new phone that is all sparkly and new and you tell everyone you love it. A new phone comes along and you toss and replace it. And the worst one is “I’m sorry.” The thing with this phrase is people just don’t mean it anymore. I know I’m being a hypocrite here. But nowadays “sorry” is just something you say to someone just so you can end the disagreement. “I don’t think I’m wrong but I can’t be bothered to keep this argument on” is really what “I’m sorry” means.

The more we use words, the less their true meanings are held. If this is really the development of our language, I don’t know if we can look to a hopeful future.

“Fuck you.” “Bitch.” “Stupid.” These are insulting and mean words. Yet friends can say it to one another as a casual joke; a fist bump. If cuss words lose their anger, what do they become?

Scarcity creates luxury, right?

If everyone in the world had diamonds, they wouldn’t be seen as a treasure. If everyone used the word “love” when it truly came down to it, would it really be any special than it really should be?

give a shit

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